Documenting your Business Meetings – A Great Idea!

Archive for May, 2014

Documenting your Business Meetings – A Great Idea!

Posted on May 24th, 2014 by voicecription

Conferences, discussions, seminars, meetings, tele-conferences, are a part and parcel of all businesses. Whether it is a director level meeting, involving the promoters of a company or a technical discussion involving engineers, project heads etc, many points are raised in many meetings that aren’t recorded or noted down. Though considered trivial points during the meeting/conference, […]

Challenges Faced by the Medical Transcription Industry

Posted on May 8th, 2014 by voicecription

Medical transcription is changing the way the world looks at medical data. This is particularly important as there is continuous evolution and divergence of three fields – technology, healthcare and information production. As such, there are bound to be challenges that the industry is faced with. As everything relies increasingly on the electronic recording of […]